Love the site, and though I wish you had more Stanford girls up, I can understand why you don't. It's not that Stanford girls are ugly--they really aren't as bad as their rep. They're nothing compared to ASU, etc, in general, but the hottest girls at Stanford are as hot as the hottest girls at any other Pac-10 school. It's a high class dilemma. Here's the issue:
a) Our cheerleaders are gross. Not one fuckable one on the entire squad. They are a disgrace to cheerleaders everywhere, because at the end of the day, no one gives a shit about the routine: they just want to see some hot ass in a skimpy outfit. So you're easiest option for getting Stanford poon up on the site is out of the question.
b) No Stanford girl would volunteer their own pictures, since, as you say, they want to be president, or at least a high powered executive. Not going to happen if you show your tits.
c) Stanford guys are too nice to send anything in. Seriously, it's unnerving how kind they are. I guess that's a good thing in general, but when it comes to sending in pictures of nearly-naked hot chicks, they pussy out.
I know you're strictly pictures right now, but if you ever consider expanding to text, here's the Stanford Daily's sex column, written under a pseudonym. Good for some excerpts. Some stuff sucks, some is awesome. Take the latest piece, for example. Classic
Well then...since none of the girls at Arizona care about being president, here is an Arizona grad.